Sunday, August 26, 2007

Where is the Its' Room?

Is Vermont still part of the United States? I'm just wondering, because I figured they would hold off on building "gender-neutral" bathrooms until they become part of Canada like they want to be. Nevertheless, the University of Vermont has ponied up the bucks to build transgendered people their own bathrooms, instead of conducting experiments on them like they should. Apparently there have been problems with the "abuse" of transgendered people in restrooms. Now wait a minute...if a girl gets beaten up in a restroom because she looks like a man, that's not a reason to spend thousands on he-she-friendly toilets. That's a reason to bust a gut laughing. Seriously, if they don't have a problem with self-mutilation to change their gender, then they can put up with a little good-natured walloping in the bathroom.

University of Vermont Adds "Gender-Neutral" Bathrooms

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