Thursday, August 30, 2007

Psychologists For Psychos

The American Psychological Association has recently refused to help extract information from terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. That is because they oppose torturous acts such as shaking and slapping. And if a psychologist actually cares about saving the lives of their fellow countrymen and actually aids our military, then they are banned from the APA. Is the APA on Al-Qaeda's payroll or something? Psychologists employ the same kinds of techniques such as sensory deprivation when they experiment on Americans for research. They don't mind using Americans as guinea pigs but heaven forbid they treat sweet innocent terrorists that way! Maybe these Sigmund-Fruitcakes should spend time in a Muslim-run P.O.W. camp and then see if they feel the same level of compassion for evil-doers.

Shrinking Homeland Security

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