Monday, August 27, 2007

Palestinian "Moderates" on New Terror Spree

Here is further proof that the Bush administration's "No Palestinian Terrorist Left Behind Program", a.k.a. the "Road Map", which is also bought into by the leftist government of Israel, will only lead to a terrorist state. Fatah, or should I say Condoleezza Rice's bestest moderate buddies, is steadily becoming more and more allied with Hamas, the most despicable bunch of savages on the face of the planet. Naive Americans and leftist Israelis think we are arming Fatah to kill Hamas terrorists, but what we are really doing is arming Hamas to kill Jews. The fact that we arm these Jew-hating animals makes it seem like Jimmy Carter is in office. Israel should have just let the Palestinians kill each other off during the summer.

Fatah and Hamas Unite in New Terrorist Group

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