Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Don't Discriminate Against the Terrorist "Race"

Muslim nations, which are discriminatory against all things non-Islamic, seem to now have a problem with racism and are taking their grievance to the U.N.. But it's only a certain kind of "racism" that they oppose--racism against Muslims, or "Islamophobia" as they call it. However, Islam is not a race, so "Islamophobia" cannot be a form of racism. Even white people like Ibrahim Hooper can support terror. Race is something you are born into and cannot control. Islam is an ideology, and people can change their ideology. Islam is like Nazism with a crescent instead of a swastika. If you are opposed to Nazis that doesn't mean you are opposed to a certain race, it just means you are against an evil ideology. The same thing is true with opposing Islam.

Muslim Nations Want "Islamophobia" on Anti-Racism Meeting's Agenda

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