Friday, August 31, 2007

Olmert Becomes Honorary Muslim

We finally found out which religion Ehud Olmert, the traitor Prime Minister of Israel, belongs to, and it is not Judaism. Apparently he has signed on to the Islamo-Nazi goal of driving the Jews into the sea by agreeing in writing to give up all of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza to the terrorists, while demolishing all the Jewish communities there that have been built in the past 40 years. And if they can't remove a community, they will give the terrorists more land in Israel. Oh, and of course the package wouldn't be complete without a divided Jerusalem. Just because Olmert has a typical leftist death wish, all the Jews of Israel are being put in mortal jeopardy.

Olmert Offers Judea, Samaria, Divides J'lem in Draft Accord

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