Monday, August 27, 2007

Feminists for Female Genital Mutilation

Apparently a growing number of feminists are hesitant to condemn female genital mutilation, a sadistic custom practiced by Muslim countries. At first glance it may seem odd that feminists would support such a brutally anti-woman practice, but it all makes sense when you realize what a feminist's true priorities are. Feminism is a liberal movement, and liberalism as a whole exalts and "liberates" the evil, perverse side of humanity and reverses the natural order of the world. For example, feminism is used as an excuse to kill babies in the womb, and encourages women to be free to commit adultery, and to neglect their families for their careers. If you need proof, just watch the Lifetime network. So you see, if feminists actually stood for something decent, they would be going against their roots.

Cautious Criticism

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