Friday, August 31, 2007

Terror Cells 101

Recently a website hosted in Minnesota was found that teaches people how to join Al-Qaeda and commit terrorist activity. Moral of the story: Keep an eye out for sand maggots surveying your every move.

Islamist Websites Hosted in Minnesota

Olmert Becomes Honorary Muslim

We finally found out which religion Ehud Olmert, the traitor Prime Minister of Israel, belongs to, and it is not Judaism. Apparently he has signed on to the Islamo-Nazi goal of driving the Jews into the sea by agreeing in writing to give up all of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza to the terrorists, while demolishing all the Jewish communities there that have been built in the past 40 years. And if they can't remove a community, they will give the terrorists more land in Israel. Oh, and of course the package wouldn't be complete without a divided Jerusalem. Just because Olmert has a typical leftist death wish, all the Jews of Israel are being put in mortal jeopardy.

Olmert Offers Judea, Samaria, Divides J'lem in Draft Accord

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Madrassa of Michigan

Mom always said, "You better make sure you wash your feet before you pray, Danny!" Oh wait, no she didn't. We weren't a family of terror supporters earning money and getting an education in a country we hated. I must be thinking of families in Dearborn, Michigan. In this sister city of Mecca, the University of Michigan is apparently now being governed by sharia law. They are spending $25,000 on Muslim foot baths.

School to Provide Muslim Students with Foot Baths

Operation Erase Jewish History

Even though Muslim interlopers in the Holy Land control the Temple Mount and pray at a giant golden zit on top of it, they are still faced with the glaring reality that the Jewish Temple was once there and its history lies beneath it. Unfortunately, the Muslims are practitioners of a false barbaric religion and don't have the conscience to do the reasonable thing and leave their cult. Therefore in an effort to make their religion look less like a fantasy they have to destroy historic artifacts of the Jews, who actually practice something with a basis in truth. The Muslims have recently been excavating the Temple Mount area. When I say "excavating" I mean "digging a giant unnecessary trench without archaeological supervision damaging as many Jewish artifacts as possible in the process".

Archaeologists Issue Urgent Warnings Against Temple Mount Dig

Hiz-Bullies: Give Us Your Money!

Hizballah, the terrorist organization that started a war last year by continuous rocket launches into northern Israel and kidnapping Israeli soldiers, now wants Israel to pay the bill for the war damages. Just like a bully beating on someone and trying to get their milk money. Even the Lebanese were originally trying to get money from Israel after the war, instead of pursuing Hizballah like they should have. Well guess what Lebanon and Hizballah, you got some collective punishment for collective guilt last summer. And Israel is not giving you any money to re-arm.

Hezbollah to File Lawsuits Against Israel for Damage Caused in War

Here is a full report on Hizballah's war on Israeli civilians last year:

Civilians Under Assault

Psychologists For Psychos

The American Psychological Association has recently refused to help extract information from terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. That is because they oppose torturous acts such as shaking and slapping. And if a psychologist actually cares about saving the lives of their fellow countrymen and actually aids our military, then they are banned from the APA. Is the APA on Al-Qaeda's payroll or something? Psychologists employ the same kinds of techniques such as sensory deprivation when they experiment on Americans for research. They don't mind using Americans as guinea pigs but heaven forbid they treat sweet innocent terrorists that way! Maybe these Sigmund-Fruitcakes should spend time in a Muslim-run P.O.W. camp and then see if they feel the same level of compassion for evil-doers.

Shrinking Homeland Security

The U.K. is the New Gaza

I don't know why Hamas still wants a state in Israel. It already seems to have one in the U.K.. It's got everything from radical mosques to its own widespread media. Once sharia law is enacted in Londonistan as the official law of the land, the liberal British dhimmis will have the free society they always wanted: a society where good people are severely punished and terrorists reign supreme.

The U.K.: Hamas Sanctuary

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

British Muslim Journalist Says Something Typical

If Abd Al-Bari Atwan, an Islamo-Nazi piece of camel dung, gets a surprise lethal injection by a Mossad agent, by God, I will go into the street and dance with delight.

London Editor Prays for Nuclear Attack on Israel

CNN Sucks Up to Hamas

Part of the cause of liberalism is to humanize evil people. That is exactly what CNN reporter Cal Perry has recently done in an interview with terrorist Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in an undisclosed hideout in Syria. Apparently kidnapped hostage Gilad Shalit is being treated according to "Palestinian morals". God have mercy on him. Also, American policy would apparently do better if it supported the thuggish bullies instead of the victims that share America's views on freedom.

Face-to-Face with Top Hamas Leader in Secret Location

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Don't Discriminate Against the Terrorist "Race"

Muslim nations, which are discriminatory against all things non-Islamic, seem to now have a problem with racism and are taking their grievance to the U.N.. But it's only a certain kind of "racism" that they oppose--racism against Muslims, or "Islamophobia" as they call it. However, Islam is not a race, so "Islamophobia" cannot be a form of racism. Even white people like Ibrahim Hooper can support terror. Race is something you are born into and cannot control. Islam is an ideology, and people can change their ideology. Islam is like Nazism with a crescent instead of a swastika. If you are opposed to Nazis that doesn't mean you are opposed to a certain race, it just means you are against an evil ideology. The same thing is true with opposing Islam.

Muslim Nations Want "Islamophobia" on Anti-Racism Meeting's Agenda

Begging for a Bombing

Iran has announced that it is now nuclear. Gee, I wonder why all that wrist-slapping didn't work on Ahmadinejad? Could it be because the only form of negotiations Muslims understand is a bullet to the brain? If we used half of a percent of our power against this dune-coon Hitler, his nuclear power program would be on about the same level as Zimbabwe's. But I guess as long as cowardice and compassion for evil reign in the form of the U.N., we'll just have to deal with the genocidal aspirations of Iran after they happen instead of preventing them.

Ahmadinejad Says His Country Now Nuclear

Hopefully America Will Soon Be CAIR-Free

Looks like the noose is growing ever-tighter around the kaffiyeh-wearing neck of the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, the Hamas terrorist front group. Now, any level-headed clear-thinking decent person would have known that CAIR was a terrorist front group trying to destroy America from within the first time they saw its rat-looking co-founder Nihad Awad being interviewed on any news program. But unfortunately there has had to be more precise investigations. The good news is that these investigations have led to some closure on just how closely aligned with terrorism CAIR really is.

A Trying Time for CAIR

Pastor Joel Doesn't Read Joel

Joel 4: 1-2: 1. For behold, in those days and in that time when I return the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, 2. I will gather all the nations and I will take them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will contend with them there concerning My people and My heritage, Israel, which they scattered among the nations, and My land they divided.

This is one of the many Bible passages that Florida pastor Joel Hunter is encouraging his congregation to ignore. What he is encouraging them to believe instead is the Palestinian "let's give terrorists a state on Jewish land" propaganda. His line of reasoning probably goes something to the effect of: "Hey, as long as the Jews aren't God's chosen people anymore, we might as well root for their deaths, right?" He finally has agreed to a debate on the issue--as long as it's not on a Jewish radio network.

Pastor and Jewish Activist to Debate on BBC

Monday, August 27, 2007

Feminists for Female Genital Mutilation

Apparently a growing number of feminists are hesitant to condemn female genital mutilation, a sadistic custom practiced by Muslim countries. At first glance it may seem odd that feminists would support such a brutally anti-woman practice, but it all makes sense when you realize what a feminist's true priorities are. Feminism is a liberal movement, and liberalism as a whole exalts and "liberates" the evil, perverse side of humanity and reverses the natural order of the world. For example, feminism is used as an excuse to kill babies in the womb, and encourages women to be free to commit adultery, and to neglect their families for their careers. If you need proof, just watch the Lifetime network. So you see, if feminists actually stood for something decent, they would be going against their roots.

Cautious Criticism

Co-Sponsoring the Co-Conspirators

The United States Justice Department has decided to drag this country further down the road to dhimmitude by co-sponsoring a convention held by the Islamic Society of North America--a terrorist front group. They are apparently doing it to "reach out" to the Muslim community. When you've got 30,000 terror supporters coming together for a convention, that's not a time to "build bridges" by spending American tax dollars on a bunch of Bin Laden wannabes . It's the time to block off the area and bring in the fighter jets.

U.S. Sponsors Islamic Convention

Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The Sequel

Well, since Jimmy Carter has already written the sequel to Mein Kampf, a couple of his fellow anti-Semites at Harvard have now taken it upon themselves to write the sequel to Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The authors of this book, entitled The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, are none other than John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt: two Harvard professors who believe that there is a manipulative, elite cabal of Jews that controls the United States. In typical liberal fashion, these two degenerates also sell out their own country's best interest of having a close ally in the Middle East by supporting murderous thugs wherever they present themselves. For example, they are big fans of Iran and the Palestinians. Their work has been widely refuted, but at least they are still heroes on Neo-Nazi websites.

Hard-Hitting Critique or Deadly Lies?

Christiane Amanpour: Warrior Against God

Here are some more articles on CNN's documentary series God's Warriors, a smear-job on the decent Jews and Christians in the world. I posted on this when it first came out: One of These Things is Not Like the Others. Here are some updates on the ensuing outrage:

God's Warriors Disappoints: CNN Earns a C- (also has links to the video on YouTube)
CNN Airs "One of the Most Distorted Programs" Ever
God's Jewish Warriors--CNN's Abomination
God's Muslim Warriors--CNN's Double Standard
God's Christian Warriors--CNN Slurs Christians
View From America: CNN's False Symmetry
Christiane Vs. Christians and Jews

History For Dummies

Here is an interesting article on the state of education today. The way they teach history nowadays, you would think that people would be desperate to get to Africa to have an education and a stable economy. You would think that the Aztecs are the architectural giants of history. You would think that Muslims invented the word "peace". Gee, it's too bad that most Americans aren't tree-swinging cannibalistic barbaric neanderthals, because then America might actually get credit for being a great civilization in today's curriculum.

Multiculturalism's War on Education

Palestinian "Moderates" on New Terror Spree

Here is further proof that the Bush administration's "No Palestinian Terrorist Left Behind Program", a.k.a. the "Road Map", which is also bought into by the leftist government of Israel, will only lead to a terrorist state. Fatah, or should I say Condoleezza Rice's bestest moderate buddies, is steadily becoming more and more allied with Hamas, the most despicable bunch of savages on the face of the planet. Naive Americans and leftist Israelis think we are arming Fatah to kill Hamas terrorists, but what we are really doing is arming Hamas to kill Jews. The fact that we arm these Jew-hating animals makes it seem like Jimmy Carter is in office. Israel should have just let the Palestinians kill each other off during the summer.

Fatah and Hamas Unite in New Terrorist Group

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Jordan: I Wanna Be in the Nuke Club!

I'm sorry, but a Muslim country where Mein Kampf sells like cigarettes in prison does not get nuclear anything. (Why do I have a feeling that won't be the international community's exact response?) Apparently not only Jordan, but Egypt and other Arab nations now want nuclear power, insisting it is for peaceful purposes. Why not? What do they have to lose? Ahmadinijad is trying to shove that lie down the world's throat and all that happens to Iran is a finger wagging by the U.N. Come on, when did a Muslim nation ever produce anything for peaceful purposes? Their long-term goal has nothing to do with "alternative energy". Their long-term goal is the apocalypse.

Jordan's King Urges Speeding Up Nation's Nuclear Power Plan

Where is the Its' Room?

Is Vermont still part of the United States? I'm just wondering, because I figured they would hold off on building "gender-neutral" bathrooms until they become part of Canada like they want to be. Nevertheless, the University of Vermont has ponied up the bucks to build transgendered people their own bathrooms, instead of conducting experiments on them like they should. Apparently there have been problems with the "abuse" of transgendered people in restrooms. Now wait a minute...if a girl gets beaten up in a restroom because she looks like a man, that's not a reason to spend thousands on he-she-friendly toilets. That's a reason to bust a gut laughing. Seriously, if they don't have a problem with self-mutilation to change their gender, then they can put up with a little good-natured walloping in the bathroom.

University of Vermont Adds "Gender-Neutral" Bathrooms

Israel May Soon Be a Jewish State

Good news: Half of IDF combat officers are now religious Jews. Although athiest Jews may be the most obsessed with sex, the religious Jews have them beat in actual breeding. What this means is that soon it won't be the Jews that are removed from their homeland by Israel's army--it will be the terrorists instead. Soon the Arabs will be complaining to the U.N. that the Israeli army isn't helping the country commit national suicide like it's supposed to.

Half of IDF's New Combat Officers are Religious

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Self-Hating Jew Makes Pro-Sharia Propaganda Flick

Jewish filmmaker Jacob Bender is "bending" over for the people who wish to kill him. His upcoming movie Out of Cordoba will apparently be revealing how hunky-dory life under Muslim rule in the 12th century supposedly was. Of course this ignores completely that Islam itself was conceived in terrorism and dedicated to the proposition that all non-Muslims were created infidels, and has more or less remained that way to this day. But who cares, right? As long as we have an excuse from 900 years ago to tolerate terrorism today. Oh, and did I mention the Saudis are funding him?

Jewish Filmmaker Tackles Islam

Cuffed and Jailed for Opposing Perversion

A Massachusetts Christian man by the name of David Parker was handcuffed and jailed when he went to a school to complain about the homosexual indoctrination of his 5-year-old son. Apparently the school saw nothing wrong with trying to make young children all lovey-dovey with sodomites, and preferably become sodomites themselves. Let's see, I wonder what the next widely acceptable perversion will be--bestiality or pedophilia?

"Gay" Lessons Violate Civil Rights, Man Says

Friday, August 24, 2007

Truther/Muslim-Sponsored Hate-Fest at OSU

Ohio State so-called intellectuals John "there's no such thing as terrorism" Mueller and John "let's give terrorists a state" Quigley have appeared on a panel for Palestine: Peace not Apartheid, Jimmy Carter's treatise encouraging terrorist activity. Sponsoring this anti-Israel hate-fest are none other than CAIR (the Hamas front group) and Columbus 9/11 Truth (a Truther organization). Now, we know CAIR's problem with Israel--there are Jews there. But aren't the Truthers just supposed to be interested in blaming 9/11 on America? Apparently there are other groups besides Americans that the Truthers want to demonize.

Ohio State Profs Go "Truther"

No! Please! Not My Psyche!

Jose Padilla, Hispanic gang member turned Muslim (I guess he was attracted to the violence), was convicted of being an Al-Qaeda co-conspirator. Now his gutter trash lawyers are trying to sue the government because apparently poor Jose suffered "psychological abuse" while being held in prison. Plotting to kill thousands of people is nothing, but that psychological abuse--now there's a crime! I'm sure Padilla would much rather be in prison under the Islamic justice system, although then there would be more scarred than just his psyche. And why do these liberal lawyers defend an animal like this? Because they support human rights? No. Because they hate America as much as Padilla.

Padilla Sues US Officials Over Confinement

Paganism in the Holy Land

Judaism's High Holy Days are approaching us, and unfortunately that means it's time for a celebrity Kabbalah powwow in Israel. Featured guests include noted slut Madonna as well as Demi Moore and her husband Ashton Kutcher (a sap basically just doing everything his more popular wife wants to do just like Brad Pitt). Israel's real Jews will also have to suffer the attendance of 3000 other Kabbalah Center students practicing the faddish spiritual scam. Perhaps one of the endeavors of the group should be to revise their "red string" tradition, because judging by the lives of Kabbalists Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, it's not warding off the "evil eye", even if they did pay $26 for the string.

Madonna to Celebrate Rosh Hashana in Israel

MSA: Pay no Attention to that Islamo-Fascist Behind the Curtain!

The Muslim Student Association is opposing the upcoming Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week sponsored by the David Horowitz Freedom Center on college campuses. Gee, I wonder why MSA would have a problem with a movement that educates students about various terror groups, the violent treatment of women by Muslim fanatics, and the oppressive nature of Islam in Muslim countries in general? Could it be because these are the values that MSA holds dear and they don't want their own ties to terror groups to be revealed? Oh well, not many people thought they were moderates anyway.

Why Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is Needed

Ohio's Taxpayer-Funded Madrassas

CAIR, a Hamas front group in America, has set up shop in Columbus, Ohio with two Islamic charter schools. It looks like they have plenty of anti-Israel propaganda to teach, but they seem to be slacking in the non-Islamic disciplines of math and reading. It makes you feel sorry for the Columbus Somali community, many of whom probably thought they left the terror culture in the desert.

CAIR Goes Back to School

One of These Things is Not Like the Others

Well, apparently the C in CNN doesn't stand for Conscience. One of CNN's many resident moral retards, Christiane Amanpour (don't let the first name fool you), has just completed a 3-part series called God's Warriors, which basically puts Israeli Orthodox Jewish civilians who want to live and worship in their historical homeland peacefully and Christian Evangelical pro-lifers on the same moral plane as Islamic cut-throat barbarians.

God's Warriors

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Rat Guarding the Cheese

What do you get when you deny the Holocaust and threaten to wipe Israel off the map? You guessed it--a leading position on the UN World Conference against Racism planning committee. I'm sure it was so hard for the Muslim-infested UN to choose someone for the job...I mean there are so many qualified Islamo-Nazi dictators and terror warriors out there that would be perfect for it. Don't worry Ismail Haniyeh, there's always next time.

Iran on Anti-Racism Committee

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Why bother reading the sequel to Mein Kampf when you can see the documentary? That's right, Sony Pictures is proud to present Jimmy Carter: The Man from Plains, following Carter on the book tour of his latest Israel-bashing concoction Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Also, Jimmy is apparently too scared to debate Alan Dershowitz.

Jimmy Carter, coming to a theater near you

Pippi Long-hijab

Here is an interesting piece on Saraa Barhoum, the 12-year old wannabe female suicide bomber that hosts the Hamas version of the Mickey Mouse club. As you read this, keep in mind that not all Palestinian children are terror supporters--only the ones that do what their mommies and daddies tell them.

The Girl Next Door is in Hamas