Saturday, September 1, 2007

Reform "Rabbi" Joins the Jihad

Reform "rabbi", Eric Yoffie, is doing everything short of putting the knife in the hands of Muslims who wish to behead him. He just got done speaking to the Islamic Society of North America, which is a terrorist front group, essentially telling them how Muslims shouldn't be demonized for supporting terrorism. Apparently this guy not only has a misunderstanding of the Quran's teachings clearly promoting terrorism, but Jewish Biblical teachings as well--which he seems to have a problem with. The reason this self-hating Jew is so ill-informed as a religious leader could be due to the fact that Reform "rabbinic" schools spend as much time learning about Christian scripture as they do learning Talmud, and the only time they spend learning Jewish sacred texts is spent demeaning them. Reform "synagogues" nowadays in America are basically just outlets for far-left political causes. Now, a decent individual speaking before that group would have set a Quran on fire and then put out the flame by tossing the Quran into a toilet.

Reform Leader to Muslim Americans: Together We will Fight the Opportunists Who Demonize You

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