Sunday, September 9, 2007

James Abourezk: Terrorist Cheerleader

Former senator James Abourezk might as well be serving as commander-in-chief of Hizballah. Here is a video of him parroting off all the major terrorist propaganda points to an agreeing camel whore. There's not a terrorist organization on Earth that he doesn't praise. Also, all the problems in the world have apparently been caused by the Jews, according to this tub-o-lard. It appears from his Wikipedia article that he is a child of Ishmael, which would account for some of his malicious venom and desire to prey on the weak and innocent. And yes, when he was in Congress, he was a Democrat, which accounts for the rest of his compassion towards evil people and demonization of decent people.

Fmr. Democratic U.S. Senator James Abourezk on Al-Manar TV: The Arabs Who Were Involved in 9/11 Cooperated with the Zionists

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