Sunday, September 9, 2007

ADL Defends Nazis

The Anti-Defamation League was originally formed to protect Jews from neo-Nazi groups. Well, now it's the other way around. The ADL recently defended a group of violent Russian Nazi youths living in Tel Aviv, Israel. The youths are allowed to be in Israel because they have a third-degree Jewish relative. Since these non-Jewish pieces of refuse have been living in Israel, they have undoubtedly experienced the atmosphere of God's chosen people revived and living in their ancient Holy Land and they have realized that everything Russians stand for is worthless. The resulting cognitive dissonance has led them not to humbly accept the truth and move on, but to express their anger at God by becoming neo-Nazis bent on destroying the people that have given them refuge. Since the ADL is liberal and shares this anti-God mentality, they of course come down on the side of the neo-Nazis.

Gentile Russian Neo-Nazi Group Busted in Tel Aviv Region

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