Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ford: Built Nazi Tough!

Here is an article on the late Henry Ford, car builder and anti-Semite. Henry Ford was pro-Hitler during World War 2, and actually believed the Russian anti-Jew forgery, Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Currently the Ford Foundation is carrying on Ford's Jew-hating legacy by funding anti-Israel and anti-Jewish groups. They fund CAIR, the Muslim terror front group in America, and also various pro-Palestinian groups in Israel. (The Palestinians also supported the Nazis during World War 2). Interestingly enough, the Ford company also panders to gays. And what do Nazis, Muslims, and gays have in common you might ask? Not much--except for the fact that they are all evil people. Evil people, no matter how completely different they are, always stick together because they have a common vendetta against God and the people who remind them of God. The next time you go to the Ford dealership, which group of scumbags is your money going to support?

The Ford Foundation, the NIF and Bashing Israel

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