Saturday, September 8, 2007

Eyzeh Koos-inich

Is Dennis "the Menace" Kucinich running for president of the United States or commander in chief of Hizballah? He just got done kissing up to a reporter on Syrian television who was probably shocked at the level of contempt and ill-will one could have for his country. Dennis has sure fine-tuned his abilities at groveling to terror supporters--hailing Syria as this big human rights supporter after it actively smuggled weapons into Lebanon for Hizballah to use against Israeli civilians. Apparently he not only wants America to lose in Iraq, but he also wants to give the Iraqis reparations. If only he had as much compassion for those who defend his country as he has for those who would like to behead him.

U.S. Congressman and Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich: The U.S. Must Pay Reparations to the People of Iraq

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