Friday, September 21, 2007

The Methodist Lobby

The Methodists are predictably progressing into the sewer. First they started ordaining women. Then they endorsed a transgendered pastor. And now the icing on the cake: they are supporting terrorists. The United Methodist Church lobby office has decided to divest from the Caterpillar company. Why? Because Caterpillar bulldozers are used by the Israelis to destroy the homes of terrorists. Of course they don't have a problem with buying Arab oil which is used to fund terror. They are more concerned about the rights of the terrorists. When it's a toss-up between the Jews and the terrorists, I guess they want to side with the terrorists because terrorists only kill Christians, but the Jews "killed Jesus". Or something. We need more funding for Caterpillar. Buy their T-shirts. Send them to universities to run over the homegrown terror-supporting students like Rachel Corrie.

The Most Selective Outrage

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