Friday, September 14, 2007

Breaking News...From a Year Ago

Apparently the U.S. has confirmed that weapons are still being smuggled across the Syrian border into Lebanon for use by the Hizballah terrorist group against Israeli civilians. Um...YEAH! That has been known since last year when the U.N. bailed the terrorists out of getting what they deserved from the Israeli military with their ceasefire resolution. Hizballah never complied with any U.N. resolution. The reason this is just now becoming common knowledge is because up to now, it has only been Israel that has been monitored to comply with the U.N. ceasefire agreements. The terrorists have pretty much been ingored long enough for the world to now be able to say "Oh--oops, they rearmed again. Oh well."

U.S. Claims Hizballah Still Smuggling Arms Through Syria

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