Friday, September 7, 2007

MSA Neanderthal Trolls for Victims

The Muslim Student Association once again shows its true colors by showing traditional Muslim contempt for women and Jews in this video brought to us by Little Green Footballs. They aren't in one of their God-forsaken Muslim countries, so they can't just do the natural Muslim thing and execute Jews and uncovered women. Instead they are in Texas, so they must do a sort of "video jihad" where they harass women without hijabs and blame Jews for 9/11. One of the MSA's resident terror-supporting apes is on the prowl for women and Jews to degrade on camera. There's nothing more pathetic than a black Muslim. You know they don't have a religious heritage of their own besides maybe African drum-beating, tree-swinging idol worship, so they have to piggy-back off of the most thuggish religion they can find--Islam.

Video: Muslim Student Association Harasses Women and Jews at UTSA

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