Saturday, September 22, 2007

History Repeats Itself

Next week is not the only time that Columbia University has legitimized a Nazi dictator by allowing him to speak at their campus. Apparently in 1933 they invited Adolf Hitler himself to speak. Liberals have not woken up from the stupor of ignorance that engulfed them in the 1930's, and now want to give a platform to yet another terrorist anti-Semite-Mahmoud Ahmadinijad.

Rafael Medoff: Columbia "Invites Hitler to Campus"--as it Did in 1933

Liberals' New Best Bud

Apparently the guy that liberals are looking to for inspiration these days is none other than Osama Bin Laden. Since the mass murderer's recent speech, liberals have given his ideas a hearty welcome, showing themselves to be the America-hating terror-supporting loons that decent people always new they were. Of course it was planned this way by Osama because he knows that propaganda is a very important component to his war against Jews and Americans. And of course he can count on the liberal ignoramuses to fall for it every time, since liberals are so blinded by their hatred of their own country. Since liberals are defined by evil, of course they have more in common with terrorists than with true Americans--hence their fondness of Osama.

DailyKos Endorses Osama

Friday, September 21, 2007

Protocols Update

Ever since the anti-Semitic smear-job The Israel Lobby came out by those two wackademic clowns, there has been a lot of criticism and refutations of the book. I figured I would post a link to a good comprehensive list of sources on the subject. WARNING: These commentaries dispute the book. If you want endorsements of the book you will have to go to neo-Nazi websites.

Roundup of the Walt/Mearsheimer "Israel Lobby" Controversy

Hitler Comes to Town

Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinijad is coming to the United States next week for a U.N. session in New York. The Holocaust-denying Israel-threatening madman has been invited to speak at Columbia University by his fellow America-haters among liberal wackademics. Let's hope that someone hAS Sense enough to organize a mASSive protest agaINst this hATE-monger AHMADINIJAD.

Ahmadinijad Heads to Colombia in New York

The Methodist Lobby

The Methodists are predictably progressing into the sewer. First they started ordaining women. Then they endorsed a transgendered pastor. And now the icing on the cake: they are supporting terrorists. The United Methodist Church lobby office has decided to divest from the Caterpillar company. Why? Because Caterpillar bulldozers are used by the Israelis to destroy the homes of terrorists. Of course they don't have a problem with buying Arab oil which is used to fund terror. They are more concerned about the rights of the terrorists. When it's a toss-up between the Jews and the terrorists, I guess they want to side with the terrorists because terrorists only kill Christians, but the Jews "killed Jesus". Or something. We need more funding for Caterpillar. Buy their T-shirts. Send them to universities to run over the homegrown terror-supporting students like Rachel Corrie.

The Most Selective Outrage

Ya Think?

Israel's government has just now gotten around to acknowledging the fact that the Hamas-run Gaza Strip is a "hostile entity". Um...yeah, pretty much any place occupied by Palestinians is a "hostile entity", let alone the Hamas-run Gaza Strip where Qassam rockets have been fired almost non-stop since Hamas took over, and even before. This may (or may not) pave the way for Israel to cut off energy and water supplies to the Palestinian terrorists, which is what they should have been doing long ago. Hamas thinks this decision is an "act of war". Come on. When is Hamas not at war against Jews?

The Israeli Cabinet Brands Hamas’ Rule of Gaza a “Hostile Entity.” US Secretary Rice Supports Step

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Democrat Sues God

To normal people, God makes the laws and humans follow them. To Democrats, a.k.a. "the evil lobby", humans make the laws and God follows them. Nebraska Democratic state senator Ernie Chambers has filed a lawsuit against God for "natural disasters" and such, which he thinks is a form of terrorism. Democrats will stand by real terrorists through thick and thin, but then they want to hold the Creator of the universe to account for natural phenomena. The only way justice would be served in this case is if Ernie and his family get killed in the next natural disaster.

Nebraska State Senator Sues God Over Natural Disasters

Must See Video

Here is a video put out by David Horowitz's Terrorism Awareness Project. It is about a certain peanut farmer who happens to like terrorists. May he become Yasser Arafat's prison bitch in hell.

Jimmy Carter's War Against the Jews

Monday, September 17, 2007

Jew-Haters Love Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan, an ignorant hag who should have been killed in Iraq instead of her son, has been cheerleading for terrorists ever since her son was killed. Now the terrorists are returning the favor and cheering for her. They say she "lights up their lives". Is lighting bombs all Muslims ever think about? Geez. She's now the biggest thing in Gaza! The gap between Democrats and terrorists is getting smaller and smaller.

Terrorists Thank Cindy: You Light Up Our Lives

Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism

So-called criticism of Israel these days is basically just disguised anti-Semitism. Give Jew-hatred an intellectual bent in the universities and every captive student audience will eat it up. Israel is held to a double standard by many intellectuals these days which no other nation is held to, and expected to act on a level far above other nations, and no matter the reason for its actions it is criticized. Self defense isn't even a good enough reason for Israel to use force against its enemies according to the international community. This problem is due to the fact that the old medieval/Nazi anti-Semitism has never died--it has just changed form. Jews are still held responsible for every problem in the world by the evil people who are really the ones causing the problem.

Looking for a Scapegoat, World Again Turns to Jews

Iran Puffs its Feathers

After the successful destruction of a Syrian target by the Israeli air force recently, Iran has decided to let everyone know that it has 600 missiles pointed at Israel, and there will be death and destruction in Israel if they dare strike Iran or Syria. Obviously Ahmadinijad is just a scared little chump so he has to resort to the tactic of small animals like birds: puffing his feathers to make him look bigger than he is.

Iran Reiterates Claim of Missiles Aimed at 600 Targets in Israel

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ford: Built Nazi Tough!

Here is an article on the late Henry Ford, car builder and anti-Semite. Henry Ford was pro-Hitler during World War 2, and actually believed the Russian anti-Jew forgery, Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Currently the Ford Foundation is carrying on Ford's Jew-hating legacy by funding anti-Israel and anti-Jewish groups. They fund CAIR, the Muslim terror front group in America, and also various pro-Palestinian groups in Israel. (The Palestinians also supported the Nazis during World War 2). Interestingly enough, the Ford company also panders to gays. And what do Nazis, Muslims, and gays have in common you might ask? Not much--except for the fact that they are all evil people. Evil people, no matter how completely different they are, always stick together because they have a common vendetta against God and the people who remind them of God. The next time you go to the Ford dealership, which group of scumbags is your money going to support?

The Ford Foundation, the NIF and Bashing Israel

The Plot Thickens

More information has surfaced about the mysterious Israeli air strike on a Syrian target a couple weeks ago. The target may not have been weapons intended for Hizballah, but nukes from North Korea--intended to be launched at Israel. 3 days before the strike, the North Korean nuclear material was supposedly shipped to Syria disguised as cement. The Mossad had intelligence on these nukes and the strike was in the works since spring. The Syrians got information from the Russians that there would be a strike, but they didn't know where. They relaxed their guard and an Israeli F-15 fighter jet went in and took out the target. The strike was highly successful, and Syria did not admit it. The Israeli air force penetrated Syrian air defense systems, which are stronger than Iran's, and this sends a very important message. That message is: Jihad monkey messes with God's people--jihad monkey goes down.

Israelis "Blew Apart Syrian Nuclear Cache"

Friday, September 14, 2007

Ohio's Tenured Terrorist

On 9/11 this year, Kent State University history professor Julio Pino sent out the email in the following article. The e-mail was basically a glorification of terrorist killers, like the ones who carried out the 9/11 attacks. Julio Pino at one time had a website encouraging people to kill Jews and Americans as well as teach them how to make bombs. And his paycheck comes from Ohio taxpayers. At least Julio Pino is following the correct version of the religion of Islam: a neanderthal death cult that only has one enemy--innocent people. If this sand maggot is "yearning for martyrdom" so much, I say we send in a student undercover with an AK-47 and give it to him.

Pino 9/11

Breaking News...From a Year Ago

Apparently the U.S. has confirmed that weapons are still being smuggled across the Syrian border into Lebanon for use by the Hizballah terrorist group against Israeli civilians. Um...YEAH! That has been known since last year when the U.N. bailed the terrorists out of getting what they deserved from the Israeli military with their ceasefire resolution. Hizballah never complied with any U.N. resolution. The reason this is just now becoming common knowledge is because up to now, it has only been Israel that has been monitored to comply with the U.N. ceasefire agreements. The terrorists have pretty much been ingored long enough for the world to now be able to say "Oh--oops, they rearmed again. Oh well."

U.S. Claims Hizballah Still Smuggling Arms Through Syria

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thug Alliance Wants War with Israel

Apparently the various dictators, thugs, and oppressors around the world have a problem with Israel preventing Hizballah from being re-armed. Israel recently struck a target in Syria to prevent arms smuggling to Hizballah terrorists. But your usual Muslim Nazis and their supporters have come out against this necessary act, saying it is "violating Syria's sovereignty" and such. They are also pushing Syria to attack Israel. Even North Korea is propagandizing for the Syrian menace. Iran, Syria, and North Korea all want terrorists armed so they can attack Jewish civilians, but when Israel actually does something about it, they wonder why. It's time that Israel took off the gloves and gave these nations the punishment they deserve. They want a holy war, Israel can bring a holy war to them with only 1% of its power.

Advisors to Assad Pressuring Him to Respond with Force

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Anti-War = Pro-Terror

Here is an article on an American liberal who went to the Netherlands looking for a soldier to kill in order to protest the Netherlands' involvement in Iraq. Since he couldn't find a soldier, he killed a civilian instead. This guy actually had the guts to do what most liberals want to do. It just goes to show that liberals don't care about "peace", they only care about peace for terrorists. In the near future, there will be no difference between allowing an Al Qaeda member loose in the streets and allowing a member of the Democratic party loose in the streets.

Disturbed Anti-War Protester Can't Find Soldier, Kills Civilian With Axe Instead

Operation Do Nothing

Recently there was a Palestinian Qassam rocket attack on an Israeli military base in Zikim, and 69 soldiers were wounded. Ehud Olmert and the self-hating government of Israel have decided not to defend their country, because to do so would be to "play into the hands of Hamas". Sure--Jews protecting their country against terrorists is exactly what Hamas wants! It doesn't matter that the Palestinian terrorists are fine-tuning their rocket launching capabilities due to the Iranian and Hizballah missile experts they have been allowing into the country. What matters to Olmert is making sure the Palestinians have plenty of utilities. With a Prime Minister like this, who needs enemies?

Olmert "Won't Play Into Hamas' Hands"

Monday, September 10, 2007

Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself

Here is a good article on the Temple Mount situation, highlighting the alliance between Muslim terrorists trying to destroy it and liberal Israeli leaders trying to do the same thing. Olmert and the other leftist, self-hating elites in Israel lead the country with a Tanach in their hand--so they can make sure that they always do the opposite of what the Tanach says.

Unholy Alliance in Israel

Sunday, September 9, 2007

It Starts with Ordaining Women...

Reverend Ann Gordon is no longer a minister in the United Methodist Church. The new pastor of her Baltimore congregation is Reverend Drew Phoenix--the man Ann became after she had surgery and hormones to change her gender. The United Methodist Church has been on its way to the sewer ever since they started ordaining female pastors. Now the pastors are allowed to engage in the most unthinkable acts of evil and still be accepted by their ignorant, degenerate congregations. Oh well, at least there are groups out there that are more true to the teachings of Christianity than the United Methodist Church--like the Sufi Muslims.

Transgender Pastor's New Test of Faith

James Abourezk: Terrorist Cheerleader

Former senator James Abourezk might as well be serving as commander-in-chief of Hizballah. Here is a video of him parroting off all the major terrorist propaganda points to an agreeing camel whore. There's not a terrorist organization on Earth that he doesn't praise. Also, all the problems in the world have apparently been caused by the Jews, according to this tub-o-lard. It appears from his Wikipedia article that he is a child of Ishmael, which would account for some of his malicious venom and desire to prey on the weak and innocent. And yes, when he was in Congress, he was a Democrat, which accounts for the rest of his compassion towards evil people and demonization of decent people.

Fmr. Democratic U.S. Senator James Abourezk on Al-Manar TV: The Arabs Who Were Involved in 9/11 Cooperated with the Zionists

ADL Defends Nazis

The Anti-Defamation League was originally formed to protect Jews from neo-Nazi groups. Well, now it's the other way around. The ADL recently defended a group of violent Russian Nazi youths living in Tel Aviv, Israel. The youths are allowed to be in Israel because they have a third-degree Jewish relative. Since these non-Jewish pieces of refuse have been living in Israel, they have undoubtedly experienced the atmosphere of God's chosen people revived and living in their ancient Holy Land and they have realized that everything Russians stand for is worthless. The resulting cognitive dissonance has led them not to humbly accept the truth and move on, but to express their anger at God by becoming neo-Nazis bent on destroying the people that have given them refuge. Since the ADL is liberal and shares this anti-God mentality, they of course come down on the side of the neo-Nazis.

Gentile Russian Neo-Nazi Group Busted in Tel Aviv Region

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Eyzeh Koos-inich

Is Dennis "the Menace" Kucinich running for president of the United States or commander in chief of Hizballah? He just got done kissing up to a reporter on Syrian television who was probably shocked at the level of contempt and ill-will one could have for his country. Dennis has sure fine-tuned his abilities at groveling to terror supporters--hailing Syria as this big human rights supporter after it actively smuggled weapons into Lebanon for Hizballah to use against Israeli civilians. Apparently he not only wants America to lose in Iraq, but he also wants to give the Iraqis reparations. If only he had as much compassion for those who defend his country as he has for those who would like to behead him.

U.S. Congressman and Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich: The U.S. Must Pay Reparations to the People of Iraq

Aid Palestinians, Fund Terror

Here is an interesting study done on the correlation each year between aid to Palestinians and the amount of murders perpetrated by Palestinians. I mean it couldn't be more obvious that financial aid to Palestinians funds terror if they stood on Israeli street corners holding up signs that said "will work for AK-47's". Palestinians could pretty much have their currency in bullets. I suppose it is too much to hope that the naive U.S. government will take this into consideration the next time Condoleeza Rice is over there sucking up to her favorite "moderate" terrorist, Mahmoud Abbas.

Correlating Palestinian Aid and Homicides 2000-2007

Friday, September 7, 2007

MSA Neanderthal Trolls for Victims

The Muslim Student Association once again shows its true colors by showing traditional Muslim contempt for women and Jews in this video brought to us by Little Green Footballs. They aren't in one of their God-forsaken Muslim countries, so they can't just do the natural Muslim thing and execute Jews and uncovered women. Instead they are in Texas, so they must do a sort of "video jihad" where they harass women without hijabs and blame Jews for 9/11. One of the MSA's resident terror-supporting apes is on the prowl for women and Jews to degrade on camera. There's nothing more pathetic than a black Muslim. You know they don't have a religious heritage of their own besides maybe African drum-beating, tree-swinging idol worship, so they have to piggy-back off of the most thuggish religion they can find--Islam.

Video: Muslim Student Association Harasses Women and Jews at UTSA

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Rats Guarding the Cheese

America's first and hopefully last Muslim congressman, Representative Keith Ellison, a panderer to both atheist and Muslim anti-Semites, is now serving on a congressional anti-Semitism panel. A man who compared Bush to Hitler and believes 9/11 was an inside job now has the job of safeguarding the country's Jews. Muslims now have their backs completely covered. First Iran gets on the U.N. anti-racism committee, and then Keith Ellison gets on the United States anti-Semitism committee. Muslims now officially have the go-ahead for an anti-Semitic field day.

Muslim Congressman Joins Anti-Semitism Panel

Capo Crackpot Canned

Good news: Norman Finkelstein, a Jewish Holocaust denier, has been denied tenure at DePaul University. It's about time too, because the only people who take him seriously are neo-Nazis. Since both of his parents are Holocaust survivors, this soulless "fink" is the poster child for the self-hating Jew, thinking his own parents are liars. Now, if Hizballah ever opens a university, I'm sure he'll be the first professor they will hire. But personally, I'm hoping stormtrooper Norman will follow in the footsteps of his hero Hitler and shoot himself.

Controversial DePaul Professor Quits

Arabic Charter Schools: Jihad Recruiting Centers

The great Daniel Pipes takes us to school about some of the Arabic so-called education institutions for young children in this country, some of which are funded by terrorists. Send junior to these schools, and in addition to the 3 R's--reading, 'riting, and recruiting for Al Qaeda--he will experience praying to Mecca, learning the Quran, and he will be introduced to the life-long pursuit of America/Israel hatred.

Teach Arabic or Recruit Extremists?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Nazi Reading List

If you happen to be a Nazi or one of their towel-headed supporters, here are a few current publications you might be interested in:

The Israel Lobby, book by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt
"Israel Lobby" Redux

New Statesman, British magazine
New Statesman: Jewish Youths = Muslim Terrorists

Monday, September 3, 2007

Howard Dean Encourages Terrorist Pride

As I have blogged before, our government co-sponsored a conference for a Muslim terrorist front group this past weekend (see Co-Sponsoring the Co-Conspirators). At that conference, the Democrats' head degenerate, Howard Dean, told a bunch of America-hating traitors to run for political office. Well Muslims, if you want to bring down America, then the Democrat party is the place to start.

Dean Tells Muslims: Run for Political Office

BBC Trains Palestinian Journalists to Lie Effectively

We know Palestinians know how to lie. Lying is their most predominant habit, second only to murder. However, in an effort to polish their lies up for the average non-Muslim, the British Broadcasting Company is coming in to train Palestinian journalists. The BBC is already an experienced Israel-bashing organization, and they are now ready to pass on their acquired skills to their terrorist heroes, the Palestinians.

BBC Offers Palestinians "Support"

Olmert Rolls out the Red Flying Carpet for Hizballah

Some Muslims are Sunnis of bitches. Some Muslims are full of Shiite. Although these two groups love killing each other, they will still join together for a greater cause: killing Jews. Iran has been sending Hizballah artillery experts to Gaza to train Palestinian terrorists to launch rockets better and develop upgraded missiles that will more effectively kill Jewish civilians. And of course, once again, Ehud Olmert, the Prime Minister who hates Orthodox Jewish school children as much as the terrorists do, is sitting back and letting them do it.

Newly-Arrived Iranian and Hizballah Instructors Upgrade Palestinian Missile Capabilities in Gaza. IDF Restrained from Striking

Sderot Parents Declare Unlimited Strike Following Morning's Barrage

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Self-Hating Jews Wave Their Fists at the Almighty

A group of pork-eating pseudo-Jewish pagans known as "Peace Now" is continuing its push along with their Islamo-Nazi allies to uproot Jews living in their Biblical homeland. Here is their strategy: Step 1--Find an Arab that you can pass off as the owner of the land, although he doesn't live there. Step 2--Convince him to make a legal issue out of it. Step 3--Sue the real Jews and have their homes demolished. Step 4--Feel better about yourself when you're out putting bacon bits on your salad and inter-marrying.

Jewish Presence in Yesha Threatened Once Again

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Reform "Rabbi" Joins the Jihad

Reform "rabbi", Eric Yoffie, is doing everything short of putting the knife in the hands of Muslims who wish to behead him. He just got done speaking to the Islamic Society of North America, which is a terrorist front group, essentially telling them how Muslims shouldn't be demonized for supporting terrorism. Apparently this guy not only has a misunderstanding of the Quran's teachings clearly promoting terrorism, but Jewish Biblical teachings as well--which he seems to have a problem with. The reason this self-hating Jew is so ill-informed as a religious leader could be due to the fact that Reform "rabbinic" schools spend as much time learning about Christian scripture as they do learning Talmud, and the only time they spend learning Jewish sacred texts is spent demeaning them. Reform "synagogues" nowadays in America are basically just outlets for far-left political causes. Now, a decent individual speaking before that group would have set a Quran on fire and then put out the flame by tossing the Quran into a toilet.

Reform Leader to Muslim Americans: Together We will Fight the Opportunists Who Demonize You

Jihad Engineering

Two Egyptian Muslim engineering students at the University of South Florida have been indicted for crossing state lines with explosives. And one of them has a terrorist past in Egypt. Hmm, engineering students. I don't suppose they are planning on engineering fuel cells or bridges. Probably more like weapons and bombs to take down bridges. They probably went with engineering because an aviation major would have been much too obvious.

Indicted USF Student has Terror Past in Egypt