Tuesday, November 20, 2007

YouTube Gives Jewwatch Nazi Das Boot

Thanks to the efforts of those of us at the Jewish Task Force, the anti-Semitic propaganda-spewing Jewwatch spokesman Frank Weltner has finally been banned from YouTube. This comes on the heels of an outrageous decision by YouTube to ban 2 JTF accounts without sufficient reason to do so, and also banning videos for lame reasons like they're against Ron "the Nazi Magoo" Paul or the upcoming Annapolis conference. Generally YouTube is fair game for Nazis and Muslim terrorists to post whatever they want, but if someone posts a strong response that hits home a little too well in favor of decent people, they get banned immediately. Since many members of JTF complained of the obvious double standard, the YouTube liberal wack-jobs finally gave in and banned Frank Weltner 1 day later. However, JTFers must not despair at the loss of our main accounts, because now as a result of all this JTF members are doing more videos and giving more financial contributions to JTF, and we are becoming organized to the extent that it will be impossible in the future to cause as much of a blow to us as was caused recently. You will be seeing many JTF videos back on YouTube and other places in the not-so-distant future.


Friday, November 9, 2007


Imagine my surprise when I found an advertisement for a Muslim marriage service on the Jerusalem Post website of all places. This is the place where Muslim men can go to find a nice punching bag--I mean wife. Every terrorist needs his terror-supporting doormat. Without sites like this, how else are Muslims supposed to get together and breed hundreds of future jihadis so that the world can become one big Sharia cesspool?


Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Barbarian Behind the Burka

Yes, it is possible in Islam for women to be equal to men in one respect--they can both be equally evil. Recently a British Muslim woman was convicted under anti-terror laws. This camel whore wrote poetry about how to behead people, and called for the most violent attacks on Westerners imaginable. Her favorite pastime is watching Al Qaeda videos where innocent people get murdered by her fellow sand maggots. And she worked at an airport for God's sake. Moral of the story: Don't be fooled by the frail but ugly looking female Muslims you see in public. The sheets they wear conceal only a monster, whose mind is filled with the most morally depraved acts of barbarism conceivable.

British Muslim Woman Convicted of Penning Poems About Beheadings

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fresh from the Sewer to You

No, I'm not talking about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pies. "Jenkem" is the newest drug being used by high school kids these days. It's an African recipe consisting of fecal matter and urine, which are fermented in the sun for hours and then the resulting gas produced is inhaled to produce hallucinations. Boy, those Africans are sure contributing quite a bit to American culture, aren't they? This will make a great addition to the menu for festivals during Black History Month. Now every American can feel like he's a half-clothed savage in the jungle with nothing but his own droppings to amuse himself. Ah, the joys of multi-culturalism!

New Drug Alert!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Another Wackademic Jew-Hater Out of the Closet

The publishing of the Walt/Mearsheimer sequel to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion has opened the floodgates for every anti-Semitic dirtbag in the world to start expressing their hatred for Jews through the medium of academics. The newest person who has a problem with God's children is a University of Michigan professor by the name of Joel Kovel. His book, Overcoming Zionism, basically translates to "erasing Judaism". In this book, the classical anti-Semitic effort to make Jews abandon their Judaism and cease to exist as a people has been advocated for modern times within the land of Israel.

Israel Critique on Campus

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Unholy Holy Days

At Marshall University in West Virginia, pagan students who think it's so much more logical to mutilate cats and pray to trees than believe in God are now getting to miss class to observe their holidays. Just a reminder--"holiday" means "holy day". If nothing is more sacred to you than "eye of newt", I don't think your celebration qualifies as one. If you want pagan holidays, go to Hogwartz. Oh well, I suppose missing class couldn't possibly make these people any dumber.

At a West Virginia University, New Protections for Pagans

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Archbishop's New Beef

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the fag-loving swine Rowan Williams, has apparently voiced a problem he has with the security fence in Israel that protects Jews from terrorists. He dislikes the fence because some Christians have left the Holy Land due to "daily burdens" caused by the fence. Of course, the quality of the life of Arab Christians (who aren't even Anglicans by the way) is much more important to the Archbishop than the survival of Jews, which would be endangered if the fence was taken down. The life of a Jew is nothing to him if it means a little inconvenience for an Arab Christian. I guess when all the Christians move out of Israel, then the Anglicans are going to have to find another reason to hate Israel.

Time to Renew Anglican Zionism

Muslim Daily Life: An X-Rated Video

Here is a video that sheds light on what true Islam really is. Warning: this is not one for the squeamish. Female circumcisions, honor killings, and execution of women for being raped--although detestable to all normal people--are the order of the day in the camel dungheap that is Iran, as well as other countries that follow the terrorist/pedophile religion of Islam. Unfortunately YouTube has banned this video because it might make people dislike terrorists.

The Violent Oppression of Women in Islam

Shocker: Religion of Terror Supports Terrorism

Some people seem to be wondering why there are staggering percentages of Muslims in the world who voice their support for suicide bombings as well as Osama Bin Laden. Could it be because that's what their religion teaches them to do? Well, yes, but that's not what the establishment wants you to believe because Islam is supposed to be a "religion of peace". Of course, the number of "Palestinian" Muslims that support terror is higher because they are near more Jews, and Islam is especially supportive of killing off Jews. But maybe this is a fluke. All Muslims who don't support terror, please say "God bless the USA and Israel!"....(cricket, cricket).

Most Muslims Reject Terrorism?

Hallelujah! Missionary Sees the Light!

Here is a must read for Jews and Gentiles alike. It is the inspiring story of a Christian turned Messianic Jew (Christian in drag) turned Orthodox Jew (real Jew). He explains the different stages of his journey. There are many parallels in this story to my personal story.

Missionary-Turned-Jew Speaks Out

Blogger's Note


I stopped blogging for awhile because I was taking a month-long course, but I'm back now to keep on spreading the truth about the Middle East conflict (a.k.a. the Islamo-Nazi war against civilization) and the state of America today.

Daniel Yohanan ben Noah